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Air Quality Study Provides Insights Into Air Pollution On Front Range
Monday, May 4, 1998
FORT COLLINS--Colorado State University today released the preliminary
findings from the $4 million Northern Front Range Air Quality Study, the
largest study of its kind in state history, and opened the results of
the study for public comment.
The study was mandated by the state legislature and governor and funded
by nearly 40 state government, industry and trade associations and
research institutions. The extent of chemical and meteorological analyses
in the Northern Front Range Air Quality Study was more extensive than past
studies, said Ralph Smith, associate vice president for research at
Colorado State, which oversaw the study. Smith also said the analysis of
sources of air pollution, including emissions from cars, trucks, meat
cooking and wood burning, was more comprehensive than in past studies.
Another unique feature of the study was how the various sites were
selected, using meteorological and topographical principles, which
researchers believed would produce a more accurate study.
The study focuses on air pollution particles that are less than 2.5 microns
in diameter (PM-2.5) - a target for the study because of the impact of
these particles on human health and on visibility, including the Denver
"brown cloud." The study area extended from Chatfield Reservoir in
southwest Denver north to Fort Collins and east to Brush.
The three goals of the study were: to determine the sources of carbon
particles in the atmosphere (the largest component of PM-2.5 particles in
the Denver area); to understand which pollutants are the most important
in formation of airborne ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate particles;
and to determine the sources of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate
in the atmosphere.
Doug Lawson, technical project manager for the study, said the study was
successful in achieving its goals. He said, however, additional work must
be done on identifying the sources of pollution that lead to the
formation of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.
The report will be open for public comment beginning today and until
May 28. Then, it will be revised to reflect public input and will be
presented to the state July 1. Complete copies of the study are available
on the Internet at http://charon.cira.colostate.edu, Colorado State's
Morgan Library and the Denver Public Library and other locations around
the state (see attached list.)
The report shows that although central Denver is still one of the highest
spots for PM-2.5 air pollution along the Front Range, two other
locations also were high in these particles during the testing period:
Evans, near Greeley; and Masters, a rural location on U.S. 34 between
Greeley and Fort Morgan.
"The study was designed to meet the objectives of the legislation by
using the best science possible," Lawson said.
The research indicated the following.
* There were no violations of the national ambient air quality standards
during the study period; however, the state visiblity standard was
exceeded on 54 percent of the days when measurements were taken in the
winter of 1996-97.
* PM-2.5 is a complex mixture of pollutants arising from a variety of
mobile, industrial and area sources; its composition varies greatly
throughout the Front Range. The study showed that these particles are
primarily elemental carbon, organic carbon, ammonium nitrate, ammonium
sulfate and soil-like material.
* Pollution caused by mobile sources, in the form of direct emissions
and road dust, contributes more than 50 percent of the PM-2.5 particles.
* A relatively small percentage of cars and trucks may produce a
disproportionate amount of the PM-2.5 pollution from gasoline powered
* Gasoline-powered vehicles produce nearly three times more PM-2.5 than
diesel-powered vehicles along the Front Range, although on a per-vehicle
basis, diesel-powered vehicles create more pollution. This is because
about 95 percent of the miles driven each day are by gasoline vehicles.
* Road dust contributes about 15 percent of the PM-2.5 at urban
locations, with a larger contribution in the non-urban areas away from
Denver. In the urban area, much of this comes from street sand and dust
from paved roadways.
* The contribution of 2.5 micron-sized wood-smoke particles has dropped
significantly since 1987 to only 5 percent of the present total, due to
control programs and new technology.
* Charbroiling meat appears to have a negligible effect on overall
air quality.
* For the first time in the Denver area, ammonia was studied as a
pollutant. The study concluded that ammonia emissions from agricultural
operations are an important contributor to secondary particles of
ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.
* The study provided information on the relative effectiveness of
reducing ammonia and nitrogen oxide emissions on ambient ammonium
nitrate concentrations.
* For the first time, this study was able to separate nitrogen oxide
emissions from power plants from those emitted from ground-level sources
such as cars and trucks. Study results suggest that most of the
particulate nitrate is formed by nitrogen oxide emissions from mobile
* The study demonstrated a new method for distinguishing sulfur dioxide
emitted by power plants from other sources of sulfur dioxide. The results
showed the Cherokee power plant was found to be a significant source of
sulfur dioxide. More data are needed, however, to define the relative
importance of all sulfur dioxide sources in different locations in the
Front Range region and their impact on airborne particulate sulfate.
Public comments, which will be taken at Colorado State until May 28, will
be included along with the final report which will be given to the
governor and state legislature July 1. The draft final report has been
peer reviewed by a scientific panel and will be published in scientific
Smith, of Colorado State, said researchers were surprised to find the
high levels of 2.5 micron particles at the Evans and Masters sites. The
sites were tested last winter and the results are based on the average
levels of these particles during days when air pollution was the highest
during the testing.
Masters, Evans and central Denver experienced the highest average
concentrations on the episode days. Monitoring sites in Fort Collins,
Welby (in northeast metro Denver) and near Longmont had intermediate
PM-2.5 average levels, and Brighton, Highlands Ranch and Chatfield
Reservoir had the lowest average values during the winter study period.
The relative contribution of pollutant species varied at the different
sampling locations. Downtown Denver's PM-2.5 was dominated by mobile
source-related emissions, while the northern, non-urban sites were
dominated by ammonium nitrate. The high concentrations at Evans and
Masters were caused by the stagnant, high humidity conditions from
wintertime inversions along the South Platte River. Locations away
from the river had lower PM-2.5 concentrations.
Another part of the study broke down the sources of the 2.5 micron
particles in air pollution. To do that, the study did a comprehensive
chemical analysis at sites in Welby, in the metro Denver area and at
The Welby site showed the following breakdown:
Source of Pollution Percentage of 2.5
micron particles
Primary particles emitted directly from sources
Gasoline-powered vehicles
(Includes all cars and trucks that burn gasoline. 29%
Most of the pollution comes from poorly maintained
vehicles, cold starts and older vehicles. Because
a large fraction of the total PM-2.5 comes from
these vehicles, further research is needed to verify
these results and to quantify how many vehicles on
the road belong to each subcategory below.
Contributions to the total are listed, along with
confidence levels.)
* Gasoline-powered vehicles operating in a hot, 3% + or - 1%
stabilized mode (PM-2.5 emissions from these
well-maintained vehicles are low when they are
warmed up.)
* Intermittent smoking gasoline-powered vehicles 13% + or - 7%
and cold starts (PM-2.5 emissions are high from
vehicles when they are started cold and also from
poorly maintained vehicles that may emit a puff of
smoke upon acceleration. These vehicles occasionally
emit visible smoke.)
* Smoking gasoline-powered vehicles (This group of 13% + or - 9%
vehicles emits visible smoke much of the time. These
vehicles are less than 2.5% of the fleet, and they
may emit as much or more particulate matter than the
average light-duty diesel vehicle.)
Diesel vehicles (Four to 5 percent of vehicles on 10%
the road, as well as other construction equipment
and industrial diesel-powered engines)
Geological sources, including paved road dust 17%
Wood Burning 5%
Meat Cooking (Mostly restaurant cooking - the 3%
study was conducted in winter when little outdoor
barbecuing took place)
Secondary particles formed in the atmosphere
Ammonium Nitrate (Formed when ammonia and 24%
nitrogen oxides combine in the atmosphere. About
90 percent of the ammonia comes from agricultural
sources. The majority of nitrogen oxides is produced
from motor vehicles with moderate contributions from
industrial sources.)
Ammonium Sulfate (Formed when ammonia and sulfur 10%
dioxide combine in the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide
is produced by power plants, refineries and other
industrial uses as well as mobile sources.)
Colorado Senate President Tom Norton (R-Greeley), a legislative sponsor
of the study and professional engineer, said once the study is made
final, lawmakers will use the data to help form public policy based on
sound scientific research.
"We're pleased to see that this study was successful, and it will provide
the state with very useful information on air quality issues," Norton
said. "This technical data will be a valuable tool for us in the future.
As a state, we value our natural environment, and this study will help
us develop effective policies to preserve our environment."
Rep. Shirleen Tucker (R-Lakewood), an original sponsor of the legislation
to create the study, said, "In the future, we're going to face some
critical decisions concerning air quality. This study gives us the data
to ensure that we make those decisions based on science. This was a good
study, a lot of care went into this and now its our job to use this
information to create good policies for our state."
Gov. Roy Romer, said, "This study shows we've made a lot of progress
over the years, but that we still have to work hard to alleviate the
Brown Cloud. The problem is complex--there is no single cause and there
will be no single solution. I hope that everyone--citizens, businesses
and government agencies--continues to work together to ensure that we
have clean air for the next 20 to 30 years."
Smith said the study successfully incorporated contributions from a
large number of highly dedicated organizations. The study includes
data gathered at the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment's Aurora Emissions Technical Center and the Colorado School
of Mines' Institute for Fuels and High Altitude Research. Colorado State
University served as study contractor and provided technical management.
The study's Technical Advisory Panel, co-chaired by Sen. Norton and
Rep. Tucker, provided project oversight.
Study scientists included the Desert Research Institute of the
University of Nevada system; Sonoma Technology Inc. from Santa Rosa,
Calif.; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder;
the National Institute of Standards and Technology from Maryland; Air
Resource Specialists Inc. from Fort Collins; and Aerosol Dynamics Inc.
and ENSR Consulting from California.
EPRI, the Electric Power Research Institute of Palo Alto, Calif.,
General Motors Research and Development from Michigan, and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency from North Carolina took part in
several phases of the program. Officials from the Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment and the Regional Air Quality Council
also participated in the study.
A complete list of sponsoring organizations follows.
Northern Front Range Air Quality Study
Sponsoring Organizations
ARCO Coal Company
Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado
Center for Energy and Economic Development
City and County of Denver
Colorado Office of Energy Conservation
Colorado Interstate Gas Company
Conoco, Inc.
Coordinating Research Council
Coors Brewing Company
Cyprus Amax Mineral Company
Denver Nuggets Limited
Eastman Kodak Co.
Englewood/Littleton Wastewater
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute)
Kennecott Energy Company
KN Energy
Kodak Colorado Division
Fort Collins, Colorado Consortium
Anheuser Busch
City of Fort Collins
Colorado State University/CIRA
Larimer County
Lockheed Martin
Metro Denver Wastewater Reclamation District
Pacific Power Corporation
Phillips Petroleum Co.
Platte River Power Authority
Public Service Company of Colorado
Regional Air Quality Council
Rocky Mountain Hearth Products Association
Seneca Coal Company
State of Colorado
Total Petroleum
Trigen Colorado Energy Company
Ultramar/Diamond Shamrock
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Locations where the public may see the NFRAQS report
Joint Legislative Library
Room 048
State Capitol Building Basement
Denver, CO 80203-1784
Contact: Delores Lanier, Librarian
(303) 866-4799
Information Center
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Greek Drive South
Denver, CO 80222-1530
Contact: Kay Juricek, Librarian
(303) 692-2037
Denver Public Library
General Reference and Nonfiction Department
10 West 14th Avenue Parkway
Denver, CO 80204
Contact: Rob Jackson, Head, Government Publications Division
(303) 640-6226
Morgan Library
Loan Desk
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Contact: Fred Schmidt, Government Documents
(970) 491-1881
Penrose Public Library
Local History Section
20 North Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
James A. Michener Library
Government Documents Reference Desk
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO 80639
Contact: Mark Anderson, Government Publications Librarian
(970) 351-2987
Mesa County Public Library District
Mesa County Public Library
530 Grand Avenue
P.O. Box 20000-5019
Grand Junction, CO 81502-5019
Contact: Kay Oxer, Head Reference Librarian
(970) 241-5251
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